ZARIG’s Celebrate collection places a playful spin on luxury through captivating colors and lighthearted designs. Offering stackable pieces with customizable gemstones and sizes upon request, the designs allows for endless possibilities to curate your collection and celebrate your individual style.
ZARIG’s Celebrate collection places a playful spin on luxury through captivating colors and lighthearted designs.
Astor Diamond and Gemstone Earrings
$14,850.00 -
Aurelia Aquamarine Cocktail Ring
$9,680.00 -
Aurelia Cascade Gemstone and Diamond Earrings
$14,250.00 -
Aurelia Marquise Cocktail Ring
$22,250.00 -
Aurelia Sapphire and Diamond Cocktail Ring
$16,890.00 -
Aurelia Sapphire Cocktail Earrings
$10,850.00 -
Aurelia Yellow Sapphire and Diamond Cocktail Ring
$6,250.00 -
Autumn Opal Cocktail Ring
$3,850.00 -
Cascade Gemstone and Diamond Earrings
$9,250.00 -
Cascade Rock Crystal and Diamond Earrings
$12,450.00 -
Champagne Morganite Cocktail Ring
$5,250.00 -
Diamond Gold Cirque Earrings
$7,250.00 -
Flower Petal Jasper Earrings
$4,850.00 -
Flower Petal Moonstone Earrings
$4,850.00 -
Flower Petal Rose Earrings
$4,850.00 -
Flower Petal Rose Necklace
$3,750.00 -
Fortune Diamond and Gemstone Earrings
$20,850.00 -
Heart Shaped Diamond and Sapphire Earrings
$12,850.00 -
Marquise Opal Cocktail Ring
$7,370.00 -
Midnight Dewdrop Ring
$3,185.00 -
Moon Dewdrop Ring
$4,885.00 -
Pink Peony Cocktail Ring
$10,480.00 -
River Dewdrop Ring
$2,375.00 -
Rose Dewdrop Ring
$2,950.00 -
Rose Double Dewdrop Ring
$3,850.00 -
Soleil Dewdrop Ring
$4,885.00 -
Star Dewdrop Ring
$1,825.00 -
Sunrise Dewdrop Ring
$1,550.00 -
Sunset Dewdrop Ring
$4,885.00 -
Tutti Frutti Dewdrop Ring
$4,450.00 -
Waterfall Dewdrop Ring
$8,650.00 -
Wave Necklace + Bracelet