Fortune Diamond and Gemstone Earrings
$20,850.00 -
Heart Shaped Diamond and Sapphire Earrings
$12,850.00 -
Marquise Opal Cocktail Ring
$7,370.00 -
Midnight Dewdrop Ring
$3,185.00 -
Moon Dewdrop Ring
$4,885.00 -
Pink Peony Cocktail Ring
$10,480.00 -
River Dewdrop Ring
$2,375.00 -
Rose Dewdrop Ring
$2,950.00 -
Rose Double Dewdrop Ring
$3,850.00 -
Soleil Dewdrop Ring
$5,885.00 -
Star Dewdrop Ring
$1,825.00 -
Sunrise Dewdrop Ring
$1,550.00 -
Sunset Dewdrop Ring
$5,850.00 -
Tutti Frutti Dewdrop Ring
$4,450.00 -
Waterfall Dewdrop Ring
$9,850.00 -
Wave Necklace + Bracelet